Woman makes video showing how filters are used on social media and is praised by internet users

Woman makes video showing how filters used in social media work and receives praise from internet users.

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People have flooded social media with posts that do not reflect their real appearance; currently, filters are increasingly used, just add a soft glow or a little color, and voila, any trace of fatigue, marks, or wrinkles disappears as if by magic.

+Click here and watch the video

But does this need to display a perfection that is actually impossible to achieve bring any real benefits? After all, what message are we leaving for future generations, especially for girls? The debate about the use of filters is important because it directly affects the self-esteem of teenagers and the unrealistic expectations placed on women.

Perhaps that’s why a video on TikTok has received so many compliments; in the posted images, a woman removes the filters she is using to prove how they can deceive, and a lot. Mimi Webb starts the 20-second clip using Bold Glamour, a filter that offers an impressive and realistic result; but Webb is not limited to just one filter and also reveals the use of a ring light.

At the end of the video, Webb turns off the filters, the ring light, and removes all makeup, revealing inflamed, irritated, and blemished skin. Her courage and honesty prompted internet users to rush to the comments to thank her for exposing the truth behind the filters. “You are beautiful, and this message is VERY important, thank you for the reminder,” wrote one person. “You are beautiful. In real life, we all have imperfections. As a mature woman, I appreciate your honesty. Thank you,” said another.

+Click here and watch the video

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