Kindness that went viral: a young man takes an intoxicated girl home, and their conversation with her mother is recorded by the security camera.

The moment of the conversation with kindness was captured. Photo: Reproduction TikTok @achi.1122

A video recorded by a security camera shows the young man leaving the intoxicated girl at home and having a conversation with her mother.

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Anyone with teenage children knows how difficult it is to wait for them to come home after hanging out with friends; even with today’s cell phones and technology that allow parents to know the location of their children, peace of mind is only possible when they safely cross the door, free from the many dangers of the outside world.

Therefore, a demonstration of responsibility and kindness by a young man, recorded by a home security camera, quickly went viral; the TikTok video already has over 30 million views and shows Ronny taking a young girl who had had a bit too much to drink to the door of her house and talking to her mother.

The clip is only 20 seconds long but is the perfect example of how a man should treat a woman, in this case, a girl who is clearly not sober. The images impressed internet users who filled the post with compliments for Ronny, for the way he handled the situation.

First, he accompanies the girl to the door of the house and opens it for her to enter, already demonstrating a lot of care; after she speaks directly to the camera: “Mom, I’m sorry!”; then Ronny shows himself to the intercom screen and introduces himself: “My name is Ronny, I’m sober. I brought her home,” he says. When he starts to walk away, he turns around and adds, “My girlfriend is in the car,” indicating to the mother that the daughter hadn’t been left alone with him.

As one internet user aptly commented: “That’s what it’s about”; “congratulations on her not driving. Congratulations to the gentleman who takes the girls home. Congratulations to the adults in your life who modeled this behavior, and to the parents who taught their daughter not to drive after drinking!!!!”

After the video went viral, Ronny took the opportunity to say that he didn’t think he deserved praise; he believes he only did what his parents raised him to do:

“I want to take advantage of the 10 minutes of fame I have now to spread the message, be kind,” he wrote in the caption of a later post on TikTok. “If at any time you find yourself in a similar or relevant position, where you know you have the ability to help, help. There are certain things in life that, unfortunately, not all of us hear, and I think that’s why the world is like this. I am very grateful to my parents for raising me the way they did. And, to be honest, I don’t think I would have acted the same way if they had taught me otherwise. What I’m trying to say is that, although I greatly appreciate the attention and praise, what I did should not be something exceptional.”

Redação Giovana: