Video made by storm chasers showcases the beauty and fury inside a hurricane

A video made by storm chasers showcases the beauty and fury inside a hurricane in sensational images.

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The stunning footage was captured inside the eye of the hurricane on Friday, September 8, as the storm moved over the Atlantic Ocean. The video was carried out by the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron of the U.S. Air Force Reserve, based in Mississippi. They are known as “Hurricane Hunters.”


With winds exceeding 200 km/h, the scene could only be recorded thanks to a WC-130J Hercules aircraft; these aircraft are specifically designed for meteorological reconnaissance and are equipped with sensors and instruments that analyze the wind profile, temperature, and pressure of a hurricane.

Lee is the twelfth major storm of this hurricane season, which runs from June to November; more storms are expected, and meteorologists predict that this year will be more intense than the average. They believe this is the result of climate change influencing sea surface temperatures, which, in turn, warm the air, providing more energy for the formation of new hurricanes.


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