Dermatologist Graduated from Harvard Reveals the Food to Consume Every Day for Wrinkle-Free Skin; See What It Is

In a viral video, a Harvard-trained doctor shares the food that should be consumed every day for wrinkle-free skin.

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A skin cancer surgeon went viral by revealing, in a post on her social media, the food that should be ingested daily to have smooth skin without the marks of time. In the clip, the Harvard doctor shares the secret that everyone would like to know: “I tell my patients that eating three handfuls of almonds a day is a natural way to treat wrinkles.”

To the American newspaper The New York Post, she explained her post: “Eating almonds can modestly improve, but not drastically, wrinkles, but more research is needed. For better results, use sunscreen daily, use an antioxidant serum like vitamin C, and incorporate retinoids into your routine.”

The doctor also cited a study published by the University of California in 2021, to support her claim. “A 24-week clinical trial showed that women who consumed about 400 calories of almonds per day (about three handfuls) had a significant reduction in wrinkles, facial fine lines, and hyperpigmentation.”

The research conducted with 49 postmenopausal women found that, after six months, the severity of the participants’ wrinkles decreased by 16% and hyperpigmentation decreased by 20%. At the end of the experiment, women who ate almonds had increased skin hydration on their cheeks and forehead.

Many internet users liked the tip a lot: “OK, I’m going to buy almonds now!” commented one; “Mom was right,” said another. However, some questioned the dermatologist’s suggestion: “I can’t eat nuts. Do you have a substitute?” one person asked. “Omega-3 supplements may have similar benefits,” argued the doctor, who also responded to the nut’s calories, “I know! They are very caloric, but almonds are so good for you; proteins, omegas, many health benefits.”

Redação Amanda: