Hilarious Video: Dad Catches Couple Doing TikTok Dance, and His Reaction is Comic

The hilarious video depicts the father’s shock as he enters the room and sees his daughter and her boyfriend doing a TikTok dance.

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An Italian father learned the hard way a simple rule that we all should follow: if you don’t want to be surprised, knock on the door before entering. The ‘scare’ moment was shared on social media and amused netizens.

Matilde Morra and her boyfriend Daniele were dancing and laughing while filming a new TikTok trend. Matilde was wearing oversized, loose clothes and a hoodie, but the star was Daniele, who was wearing a tight dress with a glorious leopard print. Everything was going smoothly until Matilde’s father opened the door.

The music is playing, and he tries to understand what’s happening. His face reflects a mixture of shock and confusion, to the point where he stands still, unresponsive, truly astonished by the sight. The daughter bursts into laughter while Daniele gracefully runs in a dress, high heels, and a little purse to close the door.

The couple shared the video on their social media, and it quickly went viral, with over 27 million views and, of course, many hilarious comments. “Closing the door as if it could erase the trauma that poor man just experienced,” wrote one. “Man, the thoughts going through that poor guy’s head. He had no idea what the heck was happening,” said another.

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