Fatimah, an employee at Dollar Tree, shows empathy and helps a mother, surprising everyone with her caring attitude.

Fatimah takes care of Mare with love. Photo: Reprodução Instagram @maremare711

Fatimah, an employee at Dollar Tree, was at work when she noticed a mother struggling to handle her daughter, so she decided to help them in an empathetic way.

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+ To save her little son’s life, a mother donates a part of her liver for transplantation.

In a store, Dollar Tree employee Fatimah was extremely caring and helped a mother who was having issues with her daughter, who was irritated, crying, and losing control. Fatimah called the girl over to help her scan items at the checkout.

The mother and Instagram user @maremare711 shared the video showing Fatimah with her daughter, writing, “This ANGEL at Dollar Tree in West Orange, NJ, took my daughter in the middle of an UPPY breakdown,” the mother wrote. “She saw that my hands were busy while we were checking out, and my patience was thin.”

As waiting at the checkout can trigger a lot of anxiety in children, the store employee’s attitude made all the difference, improving the girl’s mood, making her feel special in a sweet and caring way. It was an act of kindness and empathy, generating many loving comments from other mothers who pointed out how such actions make a difference in not letting motherhood feel so lonely and challenging.

Dollar Tree saw the original video on Instagram and commented, “Thank you for sharing this sweet experience! Fatimah’s hard work and incredible spirit.”

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