Cute Video: Flower Girl Falls Asleep, Gets Carried In by Cousin, and Amuses Wedding Guests

The adorable video shared on social media shows the flower girl fast asleep in her cousin’s arms.

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Social media is filled with posts about flower girls. Some take their role very seriously, while others run, angrily toss flowers, and make it clear they’d rather not be doing it. Then there are those who are overcome by fatigue even before the ceremony begins.

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That’s exactly what happened to little Charlotte Rose, an incredibly cute flower girl who fell asleep just as it was time to walk down the aisle. She was all set to scatter flowers along the path before the bride’s arrival, but her eyelids got heavy, and she drifted into a deep slumber. “When the flower girl falls asleep, her security team steps in,” said Briana Imbriano, the girl’s mother, in the video’s caption.

The footage shows the little one, holding her basket of flowers, being carried down the aisle by her cousin, John Peter Tripiccione, followed by twins Matt and Jack Colella, who sprinkled the petals with quite some, shall we say, creativity. In fact, everyone present loved and enjoyed the scene, making the celebration even more special.

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