Cute Video: Delivery Driver Delighted to Encounter Mini Turtle

Cute Video: Delivery Driver Delighted to Encounter Mini Turtle
Cute Video: Delivery Driver Delighted to Encounter Mini Turtle (Bright Side Fun / Facebook)

Even in adulthood, there are experiences capable of awakening the joy that makes us feel like children again. An example of this occurred when a worker from FedEx found something surprising while making a delivery.

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At the moment of delivering the package and returning to the truck, the delivery driver spotted something moving in the grass and was surprised to find a tiny turtle, one of the smallest ever seen.

Unable to contain his excitement, the delivery driver noticed the presence of the doorbell camera and led the little turtle there to show the residents of the house his adorable discovery. The video, shared on social media by Bright Side Fun, went viral and conveyed the excitement of the moment to other internet users.

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