Check out 10 babies with funny and cute facial expressions to brighten your day

Check out 10 babies with funny and cute facial expressions to brighten your day (Imgur / Reddit)

Babies can be considered one of the cutest things on the internet, along with cats and dogs. After all, who doesn’t get enchanted by their round faces and adorable outfits?

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It turns out that often, these little ones go viral on the web for having funny facial expressions, sometimes appearing more mature than they really are. Check out some of these expressions to entertain and delight your day:

(Reddit / oldbabies)
(Reddit / oldbabies)
(Reddit / daddit)
(Imgur / iLikeTellingDirtyJokes)
(Reddit / 13or30)
(Reddit / funny)
(Reddit / oldbabies)
(Reddit / oldbabies)
(Reddit / oldbabies)
(Reddit / funny)
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