Artist goes viral with extremely realistic paper flowers and mushrooms

Artist goes viral with extremely realistic paper flowers and mushrooms (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Ann Wood, from Minneapolis, USA, is winning a legion of fans on social media with her hyper-realistic paper sculptures of flowers, mushrooms, birds, and even butterflies.

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The artist, who has previous experience with sculpture and painting, decided to venture into the world of paper eight years ago and has already created more than 300 pieces inspired by fauna and flora.

“Over the years, I basically tried to cover as much of the natural world as possible – butterflies, bees, various other insects, all kinds of flowers, branches, leaves, birds, bulbs with roots, and various types of roots that are connected to garden plants,” she told the Colossal website.

On her Instagram profile, where she already has more than 270 thousand fans, Wood shares images of her latest artworks, with mushrooms being her favorites.

“My goal is to create that magical feeling you have when you encounter mushrooms in nature. They are fragile and surprising when you find them. I hope my paper versions inspire the same emotion,” she added.

Check out some stunning images of Wood’s creations:

(Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)
(Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)
(Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)
(Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)
(Foto: Reprodução/Instagram)
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