Want to know what you’ll look like when you’re older? Ultra-realistic aging filter captivates internet users

The videos created with the aging filter have flooded TikTok and have shocked internet users with their accuracy.

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A viral TikTok filter that reveals how users will age over a few decades has been considered accurate even by dermatologists. Although not the first of its kind, the filter used by TikTokers is striking for its realism and elicits strong reactions from those who use it.

For some, seeing their own image gain signs of aging, gray hair, and bags under the eyes can be an emotional experience; for others, facing what time will bring is simply frightening.

“I was very moved by this,” wrote actor Jonathan Bennett, who used the filter in a video he shared on the social network. Bennett tears up as he sees his hair turn gray like that of his late father: “I miss him a lot,” he says in the captions. New York dermatologist Dr. Toral Vaidya also tested the filter and was “shocked by the accuracy” of the aging process, she revealed in a post on her account.

In the comments, the doctor explains that lighting and angles play a significant role in the appearance of users using the effect, highlighting sagging areas and other imperfections—after all, it’s a filter. However, she emphasizes that it can still “provide information about age-related changes” such as “loss of volume, wrinkles, and dark spots.”

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