“Yes, it’s real”; woman tattoos boyfriend’s name on her forehead and leaves internet users incredulous

Many internet users couldn’t believe it when they saw the video of Ana Stanskovsky getting her new tattoo.

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Demonstrations of love are usually emotional and, often, widely shared on social media, eliciting positive reactions from internet users. After all, there’s nothing better than celebrating the feelings and affection of passionate couples. However, a girlfriend caused a lot of controversy on TikTok with her ‘tribute’ to her boyfriend.

Londoner Ana Stanskovsky, 27, shocked her followers by sharing her latest tattoo being done; not only was the location unusual—the forehead—but what really outraged the internet was what she chose to engrave on it: her boyfriend’s name in large letters. Yes, that’s right, Ana now has a huge “Kevin” stamped on her face.

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The rapidly viralized video shows Stanskovsky being tattooed with her boyfriend Kevin Freshwater’s name just below the hairline, in giant and bold letters. Some body art enthusiasts didn’t quite believe the images and commented that it might be a joke or just a way to get more likes.

However, in another post, the eternal romantic explained that her controversial forehead tattoo is indeed authentic: “Yes, it’s real, I can’t even believe I did this,” she says. “I know it’s a bit crazy,” Stanskovsky continues, “but I like to express my feelings, and I think if you really love someone, you should be able to show it.”

Even with her explanations, Stanskovsky did not escape harsh criticism from internet users who believe that self-love should come before love for someone else; “you ruined a beautiful face because of a guy you’ll probably break up with or he’ll cheat on you. Good choice,” wrote one. “You’ll regret this sooner than you think,” predicted another.

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